it's been a while since the last wrote, the daily routine jobs sway me to the top of my sluggish. it's really a bored situation that I often stuck in a same condition and feeling chary to do something.
but I believe it was that just a part of my life that must be face. :(
this time I start to write something I've done,
a few days ago I have succed to remote pc using vnc, actually it's just like ordinary remoting process but this is different. because at linux opensuse, we are using tightvnc. by default it doesnt allow share a session at the same time to different user.
there is a way to configure it, to make the system able to allow sharing session.
try this easy steps :
1. click k-menu -> system -> configuration -> configure X11 system (sax2)
2. this step require administrator ablility so you must input root password.
3. at the next step, choose VNC section and enable the ALLOW MULTIPLE VNC CONNECTIONS. but dont forget to enable the selection ALLOW ACCESS DISPLAY USING VNC PROTOCOL , and for security reason you should ACTIVATE PASSWORD PROTECTION.
4. done
that's it.
then if you want to connect from remote PC, you can use KRDC (K-remote desktop connection) then input vnc// or you can try vncviewer using console.
try it up, it's great.
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